Safety concerns should be taken into consideration anywhere you swim. Let us take you through important pool safety tips when it comes to swimming with your family.
Why is Pool Safety Important?
Pool safety prevents drowning. According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional drowning worldwide. It only takes 20-60 seconds for a person struggling on the water’s surface to become fully submerged.
Children ages 1-4 are at high risk for drowning. Supervise your children and invest in swimming lessons. It could save their lives.
There are other reasons why pool safety is important. If it is not prioritized, swimmers risk injury. Water on the deck is slippery, which is why no one should run near the pool. Falling into a pool could lead to drowning.
Strict laws are required for pool safety and every pool owner must obey them. Different offences carry their own fines, which range from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars.
How Long Does it Take for a Child to Drown?
Pool safety can help to prevent drowning. Since according to the World Health Organization, drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide. It only takes 20-60 seconds for a person to struggle on the water’s surface before being fully submerged under the water. This is why drowning happens so quickly, and the person who drowns often goes unnoticed.
Children from the ages of 1-4 are at the highest risk of drowning, which is why parents should always watch their kids when they’re near or in the water. This is another reason swimming lessons are a life skill that parents should invest in for their children.
Outside of drowning, there are other reasons pool safety is important. If pool safety isn’t prioritized then swimmers can also be at risk of other injuries. Water on deck can cause people to slip and fall. This is why nobody should run near or on pool floors because if they slip and fall in the pool they can also drown.
Lastly, if owners of a pool do not prioritize pool safety they can face penalties. Strict laws are required for pool safety and it is expected that every pool owner must obey the law. Different offences will have different fines associated, ranging from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars.
What are Safety Rules in the Swimming Pool:
Learning about pool safety is important. Here are our safety tips to keep you safe the next time you go swimming!
Pool Safety Tip #1: Never Leave Your Children Alone Near Water
Playing in the water is great fun for children, but safety should always be a top priority. Water presents many dangers. Did you know drowning can happen in less than an inch of water? Here are some common places around the house drowning can happen:
- Bathtubs
- Sinks
- Pails of Water
Drain the bathtub and watch young children while bathing to avoid any incidents. Sinks can fill up quickly. So be sure to turn off the water when not using it. Keep other sources of water out of reach because even a mop bucket can become dangerous.
Apply this pool safety tip to anywhere with water. Have a fence around pools, hot tubs and ponds. Maybe even install an alarm on the pool gate. Always cover hot tubs and wading pools when not in use.
Pool Safety Tip #2: Be Prepared For an Emergency
Be ready for an emergency regardless of how well you childproof your home. Keep loved ones safe by doing the following:
- Learn First Aid, CPR and choking procedures
- Assemble a First Aid kit with instructions
Keep phone numbers like position control, your pediatrician, your work and cell phone number and a neighbour or nearby relative close by.
Teach children emergency procedures too! When they are old enough to know their name and address, teach them how to dial 9-1-1 to call for help in case of an emergency.
Check out your local First Aid Training Providers for upcoming learning opportunities!
Pool Safety Tip #3: Set Up Pool or Water Rules
Children knowing pool rules will keep them safe for a lifetime. They should know the risks that come with water whether it’s your backyard pool, lake or beach. This can prevent unsafe situations. Here are a few rules:
- Always swim with a buddy
- Wear a lifejacket regardless of swimming ability, especially in open water
- No swimming or going near water during thunderstorms
- Have an adult check ice thickness and never walk on frozen water alone
- Do not swim too far in lakes or large bodies of water
Pool and water rules are universal. Have the proper equipment and supervision and you are ready to swim. Click here to learn more about how to teach your children about water safety!
Pool Safety Tip #4: Take Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons teach lifesaving skills. Learning from a certified swim teacher will give your children the tools they need to succeed in the water. These are some of the benefits:
- Improved efficiency and stamina
- Builds endurance for swimming long distances and treading water
- Prevents drowning and water-related incidents
Swimming lessons can also help children enjoy a competitive sport or future career. While for others, swimming can become a fun new pastime.
AquaMobile offers private at-home swim lessons. We give your child the opportunity to learn one-on-one in your home pool from a certified and insured instructor. Check our lesson packages today!
Pool Safety Tip #5: Lock Up Chemicals
Household products are potentially dangerous to children if swallowed. We take care to install locks and cabinet guards to store cleaners and detergents in safe spaces. Pool chemicals should be no different. These are our pieces of advice:
- Store chemicals in cool dry locations away from sources of heat
- Purchase protective gear such as safety goggles, thick elbow-length gloves, an apron and face mask
- Install locks on chemical storage spaces and educate children on their dangers
Contact Emergency Medical Services or the Poison Control Centre if necessary. Experts can guide you through first aid until paramedics arrive.
If an accident occurs despite all of your precautions, immediately contact Emergency Medical Services if necessary, and the Poison Control Centre. Experts are on-call to help guide you to the most appropriate first aid and the next step for treatment while you wait for paramedics to arrive.
Pool Safety Tip #6: Swim With a Friend
Always swim with a buddy! Even great swimmers can run into trouble in the water. A friend can:
- Call for help
- Throw a buoyant aid
- Perform a rescue if qualified
It does not matter how old you are or how good of a swimmer you are. No matter where you are, have someone swimming with you. It can make a difference if you end up in danger.
Pool Safety Tip #7: Stay Within Reach of Your Children
Toddlers and young children are a high-risk age group around water. So they should always be within reach of a parent or guardian. This is regardless of factors such as:
- Swimming ability
- Floatation devices
- Visibility from a distance
A guardian should be a trusted adult with good swimming ability. They also understand the importance of their role. You wouldn’t leave your child with just anyone on land. This should be the same in the water!
Pool Safety Tip #8: Wear a Personal Floatation Device
Visit your local sport, specialty swim gear or outdoor equipment store to find the PFD right for you or your child. Look for these things in a personal floatation device:
- Snug fit that is not too tight
- Right buoyancy for the weight of the person wearing it
Life jackets and PFDs have an expiration date. Test your PFDs every season to make sure they are safe to use. Need some tips? Follow our guide!
Pool Safety Tip #9: Check Water Chemistry Regularly
Optimal water chemistry matches the pH levels of our skin and eyes. This prevents irritation. Run tests to ensure your water chemistry is always balanced. When using a test kit, your numbers should read as follows:
- pH: 7.2-7.6
- Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
- Calcium Hardness: 180-220 ppm
Natural and unnatural environment factors should be kept in mind when deciding the frequency of water chemistry checks. Rain, heat/sun and bather load plays a role in chemical imbalances. Have a plan to prevent these.
Pool Safety Tip #10: Having a Party? Hire a Lifeguard!
Be sure to hire a lifeguard for your next pool party. Lifeguards are trained in:
- Scanning water
- Water safety
- Water Rescue
Have peace of mind knowing that everyone is safe. AquaMobile provides lifeguards to hire for your next event. Have a pool party or an event? Book a lifeguard to keep everyone safe at your next event!
How do I protect my Kids from the Pool?
Use a pool cover to prevent kids from getting in the water unsupervised. A gate with a latch is a good idea too. Both of these measures prevent kids from sneaking into or falling into the pool.