For our friends north of the equator, it’s still winter! Snow is still on the ground and the holidays are over. The kids are getting restless and what will you do to keep them active and occupied!? Look no further than our top winter activities for kids to keep them active this winter! So dress appropriately for the weather and stay safe!
1. Tobogganing

Grab your sled and slide down the hill! So head over to a hill in your neighbourhood to join in on the fun! Racing down and running up the hill turns out to be both fun and exercise!
2. Skating

Bring your kids over to an outdoor rink or the local arena for a parent and tot public skate. It’s usually free and gives your body a workout.
3. Downhill Skiing and Snowboarding

Time to hit the slopes! Take a trip to a nearby ski hill or book a trip to somewhere like Vermont or British Columbia. Work those thighs and you will be zooming down the hill in no time. Book your kids a lesson on the bunny hill if they are just learning!
4. Cross-Country Skiing

Simple cross-country skiing is a great way to enjoy the outdoors if there are no hills nearby. Skiing is like lunging and makes for a gentle exercise.
5. Classic Winter Activities

A snowball fight is sure to cheer anyone up! Make snow angels or build snowmen and snow castles. These are some amazing wintertime classics!
6. Indoor Swimming

Going for a swim can get rid of that winter blues! Head over to your local indoor pool because this activity is our favourite! Kids will love swimming inside a community centre or in your indoor pool if you have one this winter. Help your kids keep up with their swimming skills!
7. Obstacle Course

Traversing an obstacle course helps children with a variety of skills. Oftentimes, some of the skills used include:
- Gross motor skills
- Muscles
- Coordination
- Motor planning
Completing a course helps children develop endurance and confidence. Find an open space like the backyard or living room. Then set up chairs, ropes, hula hoops and other items. Climb over or under chairs, limbo under ropes, jump into hula hoops and whatever else you can think of! Let your kids and their friends invent a course for others to try. See how fast everyone can animal walk, skip or go back through your course. If you are super creative, use the snow to create the obstacle course!
8. Snowshoeing

Snowshoeing is an excellent exercise as you have to hike up your knees with each step. If you don’t already own any see if you can find some second-hand ones online, or you can buy brand new ones or rent. Check out any sporting goods stores in your area, or online stores like Amazon. You can find a good pair for about $40, like these ones here.
9. Plain Ol’ Walk

A winter walk is magical, especially after dark! Snow falling under the glistening moonlight is a beautiful sight to see. The sun goes down earlier during the wintertime. So this is the perfect opportunity to tire your kids out before bedtime. We promise this get will them in bed at a reasonable time.
10. Street Hockey

Find some neighbourhood kids and put on a friendly game of hockey. Use rocks or mitts to mark the nets and use your feet if you don’t have any sticks! This helps your kids get to know their neighbours and make some new friends. It is fun for everyone! Parents can join in or sit on the sidelines while sipping a warm cup of hot chocolate.
11. Balloon Volleyball

If it’s too cold outside, there are ways to entertain your kids indoors. Blow up a balloon for the kids to kick and throw around the house It will keep them occupied for hours and isn’t as threatening as a soccer ball!
12. Join a Winter Sport

Keep your kids active by registering them for a winter sports program. If you have a busy schedule, you can drop them off and have peace of mind knowing they are getting active. This also helps kids meet new friends and develop team-building and cooperation skills!