You may schedule the make-up class on your own with the client, but inform the office ASAP of the new date so we can ensure there is not a conflict with your other lessons.
If a make-up class has not been scheduled, please let us know about the cancellation and we will contact the client.
As of 2015 customers can now reschedule their lessons online by logging into their account. This way we can ensure that you do not get double booked.
Instructor Rules
Last minute instructor cancellations are not permitted.
Once a lesson is booked, based on the availability you set in the Instructor Portal, you are committed to those lessons.
It is your responsibility to keep your availability up to date at all times and block off any days you are unavailable.
If unavailable due to any emergency, contact customer immediately as well as [email protected] ASAP. Unexcused cancellations may result in contract termination.
If you notice a conflict in your schedule or believe that you may not have enough travel time: please let the office know ASAP so that we can make arrangements to change it.
Two weeks notice is required for cancellation of instructing or lifeguard gigs, or termination.