Whether it’s a heartwarming love story or laugh-out-loud comedy, a film centring around an athlete’s favourite sport can inspire any swimmer. It’s time to share our love for swimming in cinema that showcases the life and challenges of swimmers. Here are AquaMobile’s top 5 best swimming movies that everyone should spend a night watching!
Best swimming movies list
Pride (2007)

This movie is based on a 1973 true story and stars Terrence Howard as determined swim coach Jim Ellis. After finishing college, Jim looks for work as a math teacher and gets turned down for a job at a private school in Philadelphia. Ellis loved sports as a student but encountered discrimination at swim meets. So he sets out to create a swim team for troubled teens in his inner-city neighbourhood. The goal is to form the city’s first African-American swim team to compete in the state championship meet. He teaches the team about never giving up and working hard to find success.
The film was nominated for an ESPY Award in 2007 for “Best Sports Movie.” It was also nominated for two Image Awards in 2008 for “Outstanding Actor” and “Outstanding Directing.”
On a Clear Day (2005)

After decades of working as a Glasgow shipbuilder, Frank Redmond, a 55-year-old working-class man, loses his job. Alone and without a sense of direction, he challenges himself to swim the English Channel. Redmond uses this test of endurance to tackle his inner demons and rebuild his confidence.
The film stars Peter Mullan from the 1990s classic Trainspotting. It also co-stars Billy Boyd, best known as Pippin from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Swimfan (2002)

High school senior Ben is the star of the swim team and attracts the attention of scouts from Stanford University. Following this, he has a one-night stand with a new fan and femme fatale Madison. Things are not as perfect as they seem. Madison becomes an obsessive stalker and threatens to ruin everything he has worked for, including his long-term relationship.
The film co-stars Jesse Bradford as Ben and Erika Christensen as Madison.
The Guardian (2006)

Our final pick for the best swimming movies is The Guardian. Ben Randall (Kevin Costner) is the top rescue swimmer in the U.S. who is in charge of training the next generation. While Jake Fischer (Ashton Kutcher) is a cocky up-and-coming rescue swimmer in training was the best swimmer at his high school. Jake endures training from the legendary Ben Randall and in the process, learns about loss, love and sacrifice!
This has been our list of the best swimming movies! Looking for a family movie? Check oof our list of swimming movies for kids!