Playing in the pool is the best way to teach your child how to swim and love the water. Using songs and games can help make their time in the pool fun and make sure a little splash is nothing to cry about! These swimming songs will have your little one swimming in no time!
Teach Your Child How to Swim With: Ring Around The Rosie
Hold hands with your child in an area where both of you reach the floor. Hold your little one facing you under the arms if they are not walking yet.
Sing the following song, while turning a circle slowly.
“Ring around the rosy, Pocket full of posies, Ashes, ashes, We all fall down”
When you say “we all fall down,” submerge underwater together. Practice submerging your chin or cheek if you are hesitant about going underwater. Bath time is a great way to condition your baby to the water. Go all the way if your wee loves the water already!
This song helps little ones get used to wetting their face. This will have them diving to pick up sinking toys and objects in no time!
Teach Your Child How to Swim With: Humpty Dumpty
Sit the child on the pool’s edge on a foam mat if you have one. Then hold their hands and sing:
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
Count 1, 2, 3.
On three, pull your child into the water. Do not let them slip below the surface if they are not comfortable with that yet. Submerge completely if ready!
This song teaches babies to feel the sensation of free-falling to them and returning to the surface.
Singing this song boosts confidence.
Teach Your Child How to Swim With: Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear is a song with actions that’s fun for parents and tots to sing along to!
Hold your child around the waist facing away from you.
Sing: “Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around”.
As you sing, turn yourself and your baby around in the water.
Sing: “Teddy bear, Teddy bear, splash the ground.”
Splash your and your baby’s hands in the water.
Sing: “Teddy bear, Teddy bear, reach for the sky”
Have your little one reach as high as they can.
Sing: “Teddy bear, Teddy bear, jump up high.”
Lift your child as high as you can out of the water.
Sing: “Teddy bear, Teddy bear, wave goodbye.”
Wave to each other or anyone else in the water.
Teach Your Child How to Swim With Speckled Frog
This fun song has your little one excited to jump into the pool like the speckled frog.
One little speckled frog
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum! [ You can splash water up towards them at this point]
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are no green and speckled frogs.
When you say “One jumped into the pool,” your little swimmer can jump in towards you in the water.
Jumping games and songs should always be done at a safe depth. Depending on the height of your child, you may wish to move to a shallower or deeper part of the pool. Waist deep water for the parent is the best and safest spot for infants and young children.
Did you like these songs? Check out our post on Fun Pool Games For your Family for some more exciting pool time ideas!